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LocationCompany (Division/Legal Entity)CountrySecurity LevelCertification StatusMulti SiteContact person nameContact person phoneContact person e-mail
Schenker & Co AG -Schwechat, AustriaSCHENKERAustriaACertification is valid, due for recertificationNo(not set)(not set)(not set)
Schenker NV - Zwevegem, BelgiumSCHENKERBelgiumACertification is valid, due for recertificationYes(not set)(not set)(not set)
Schenker EOOD - Bozhurishte, BulgariaSCHENKERBulgariaACertification is valid, due for recertificationNo(not set)(not set)(not set)
Schenker d.o.o - Rugvica, CroatiaSCHENKERCroatiaCCertification is valid, due for recertificationNo(not set)(not set)(not set)
Schenker d.o.o. - Zagreb, CroatiaSCHENKERCroatiaACertification is validNo
Schenker spol s.r.o. - Nucice, Czech RepublicSCHENKERCzechiaACertification is validNo
Schenker spol s.r.o. - Strancice, Czech RepublicSCHENKERCzechiaACertification is validNo
Schenker A/S - Hvidovre, DenmarkSCHENKERDenmarkACertification is valid, due for recertificationNo(not set)(not set)(not set)
Schenker Dedicated Services Germany GmbH - SchwandorfSCHENKERDenmarkACertification is validNo
Schenker AS - Harjumaa, EstoniaSCHENKEREstoniaACertification is valid, due for recertificationNo(not set)(not set)(not set)
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