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LocationCompany (Division/Legal Entity)CountrySecurity LevelCertification StatusContact person nameContact person phoneContact person e-mail
Shanghai Time Rider Intl Transportation, China(not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 13916321882jiangxianhong@timerider.com.cn
Shanghai Xiechuang Intl Cargo Trans, China(not set)China3Certification is valid, due for recertification(not set)+86 2161856877bin.zhao@jingmaoxc.com
Shanghai YIYING Logistics, China(not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 2165500135choy.cao@eyingwl.com
Shenzhen Bao Heng Tong Indl, China(not set)China1Certification is valid(not set)+86 15220520924xrj@bhtsy.com.cn
Shenzhen Baoli Freight Transport, China (not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 75525291809jiao@szbaoli.com.cn
Shenzhen Donghang Freight, China(not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 13632909701125944744@qq.com
Shenzhen Eastern Worldwide Logistics, China(not set)China2Certification is valid, due for recertification(not set)+852 94390303hilariecheung@eww.com.hk
Shenzhen Fullbond Logistics, China(not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 13808857802fbl_hr@szfullbond.com
Shenzhen Ganbei Longxin Logistics, China (not set)China2Certification is valid(not set)+86 1501289885631012977@qq.com
Shenzhen Gonda Logistics, China(not set)China2Certification is valid, due for recertification(not set)+86 75583828751ken@hkgonda.com
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